10 Tips For Surviving A Long Plane Ride

Planes can take you to some incredible places and provide you with memories for a lifetime! However, gearing up for a long plane ride can also be extremely daunting. To help you make the most of your journey, here are ten tips to survive and even ~enjoy~ those long hours in the air.

1. Choose the Right Seat

Selecting the right seat can significantly impact your comfort during a long flight. If you value extra legroom, consider choosing an aisle or exit-row seat. However, if you like to sleep or prefer minimal disturbances from your seatmates, a window seat might be your best bet. 

Use seat maps provided by airlines during booking to make an informed decision or use one of my favorite sites to prepare for my travels which is SeatGuru. It helps you pick the perfect seat on your flight! You just type in your airline, departure date, and flight number and it describes each seat, whether it has extra legroom, it is bothersome because it is close to the bathroom, and other tips specific to your flight layout.

2. Dress Comfortably

Comfortable clothing is key for a long flight! Wear loose-fitting clothing, layers, and comfortable shoes. My favorite travel outfit is a pair of sneakers, joggers, and a T-shirt with a light sweatshirt/jacket.

3. Bring Entertainment

Download Movies/TV Shows: Although many planes have a good selection of TV entertainment on board, it can be hard to navigate through the many options not knowing what you are looking for. So, it is always good to prepare and bring your own downloaded content on your laptop, tablet, or phone. Long plane rides are a great place to catch up on your shows or watch a movie that has been on your list!

Music: Make sure you have music you can listen to during your flight. It is nice to have a few playlist options with one more suited for putting you to sleep when you are ready to nap, and one to keep you more engaged if you are looking for entertainment.

Books: A long plane ride is a great chance to read that book you have been trying to finish. Make sure it will keep you engaged!

Podcasts: A podcast is a good option to sit back, close your eyes, and listen.

Journal: A long plane ride is a great opportunity to journal. I am a huge proponent of keeping a travel journal so this is a good time to write. 

4. Bring Your Travel Essentials

Neck Pillow: Once I finally gave a neck pillow a try on a flight I never looked back. They provide comfort on long plane rides and allow you to get some sleep so you feel rested for your trip.

Headphones: Bringing a good pair of headphones is essential for a long plane ride. I highly recommend a noise-canceling pair to allow you to drown out the external noises during the flight. I love my Sony Headphones, as they are comfortable to wear during a long plane ride, are noise canceling, and have an attachment to the plane entertainment screen.

Snacks: Bring easy-to-transport snacks such as protein bars, crackers, or candy to have throughout your long plane ride.

5. Maintain Personal Hygiene

You should always pack toiletries in your carry-on to have easy access to freshen up during a long flight and help you feel rejuvenated. These include face wash, body wipes, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. I also recommend having an extra set of clothes to change into. Feeling fresh and clean can make a long flight more bearable! 

6. Stay Hydrated

Planes can feel extremely dry so it is important to stay hydrated to ensure you are feeling your best for your trip. I always bring a refillable water bottle when I travel, which helps me have easy access to water at any point during my travels. Check out these options from YETI or these options from Hyrdroflask.

7. Move Regularly 

It is extremely important to get out of your seat and stretch your legs on a long plane ride. Prolonged sitting can lead to discomfort and increase the risk of blood clots. Take short walks up and down the aisle, stretch your legs, and perform simple exercises in your seat to improve circulation. This is so important for your health and to make sure you are feeling your best after the flight!

8. Sleep Strategically

Maximize your chances of getting quality rest during the flight by creating a comfortable sleep environment. Use your travel pillow to keep you comfortable and a blanket (most airlines provide you with one on a long flight) to stay warm. Use your noise-canceling headphones, and even an eye mask to create a quiet and peaceful environment. It is important to get sleep on a long flight to ensure you feel your best during and after!

9. Practice Relaxation Techniques

A long plane ride can be stressful, especially if you are prone to anxiety or discomfort. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness exercises to help alleviate tension and promote relaxation during the flight. Download a podcast or App before your flight to help with this!

10. Stay Positive and Flexible

Approach your long plane ride with a positive attitude and a flexible mindset. Delays, turbulence, and unexpected challenges are all part of air travel, so focus on what you can control, stay patient, and adapt to changes as they arise. A long plane ride is a part of travel that is not always glamorous but it can lead you somewhere you can create lasting memories in!

With careful planning and preparation, surviving a long plane ride can be manageable! Following these ten tips, you can arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your next adventure!

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