5 Compelling Reasons To Keep a Travel Journal

Traveling is exciting! Embarking on a journey is not just about reaching the destination. It is about the moments, experiences, and emotions that come together to create memories. While immersing yourself in the beauty of travel, there is one invaluable companion that stands out – a travel journal! I will show you why keeping a travel journal is not just a tip but a transformative element of your travels.

5 Reasons To Keep A Travel Journal

Memory Preservation

The number one reason to keep a travel journal is to preserve memories from your travels. The act of jotting down your experiences not only solidifies them in the present but ensures they are etched into your memory for years to come. It captures each moment such as the aroma of the street food, the laughter with new friends, or the complete awe the first time you see something you have been waiting for. 

When I look back at my notes from my travels, I read many little things that I know at the moment felt like I would remember forever, but I am so grateful I get to remember them again and attempt to re-live those moments.


Your travel journal evolves into a personalized guidebook, filled with your insights and preferences by detailing your favorite restaurants, activities, and hidden gems. These can aid in inspiring your future travels, as well as provide recommendations for other travelers seeking a similar adventure.

Release of Emotions

As travelers, we know that our journeys do not always go perfectly. Travel can be a rollercoaster of emotions and writing down your thoughts, fears, and joys throughout your trip is essential. Whether you are feeling angry from a missed flight, sad because an activity got canceled because of weather, exhilarated from reaching the summit after a long hike, or tranquil from sitting beside a lake, capturing these emotions and making sense of them allows for a therapeutic journey.

Personal Reflection

Reflecting on your experiences is important, but sometimes forgotten in the rush of daily life. A travel journal allows you to reflect on your personal growth through the lens of your journeys. If you read between the words themselves of the things you saw and what you ate, you can see your resilience, adaptability, and openness to the unknown. Travel teaches us about ourselves, and a way to reflect on this is through a travel journal.

Cultural Immersion

Traveling goes beyond iconic landmarks and into the soul of the destination through the culture. You can document the local customs, flavors, and interactions of your travels. As you reflect on these notes, you will find yourself not just as a visitor but as a participant in the rich culture of the places you explore.

Choosing A Travel Journal

Now, what can you use as a travel journal? Well, you will have a lot of options to choose from, so purchase one that fits your personality best. Many are specific to travel and have specific prompts related to your favorite sights, food, etc. for your trip. Others are blank, providing a clean place to start from scratch and write whatever you choose from your travels. 

I personally wrote my whole study abroad experience of 4 months on the Notes app on my phone which turned out to be 12 pages! Yes, 12 full pages written on my phone! So, it does not matter the vessel in which you choose to keep as your travel journal. The importance is that you are preserving these memories and have the ability to reflect back on them or use them for inspiration for other adventures.

When Should You Write In Your Travel Journal?

If you are someone who prefers routine, make it a habit to write in your travel journal every evening before you go to bed, or every morning when you wake up. This ensures you will not forget and helps start or end the day by reflecting on your previous experiences.

If you are not tied to a routine, write in your journal whenever you have time! I write most of my notes while Iโ€™m on the go on planes, waiting at the airport, or riding in Taxis. It is also helpful to jot something quick down so you do not forget it and then provide more detail when you have time (you can always use your phone if you donโ€™t have your journal with you and then transfer it to your journal later).

Keeping a travel journal is a commitment to savor the adventure, embrace the unexpected, and hold onto the memories that may slip your mind. So, as you set out on your next travel experience, do not forget your new companion – a journal that will not only guide your way but will also become a cherished piece of an extraordinary story you are living!

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One response to “5 Compelling Reasons To Keep a Travel Journal”

  1. […] A long plane ride is a great opportunity to journal. I am a huge proponent of keeping a travel journal so this is a good time to […]