
Best Hikes In Arches National Park

Arches National Park in Utah is known for its stunning natural, sandstone arches. The Parkโ€™s surreal landscape is a masterpiece of erosion and you will be captivated by the iconic Delicate Arch, Landscape Arch, and a multitude of other unique formations that seem to defy the laws of nature. Get ready to explore the breathtaking beauty through these best hikes in Arches National Park!

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  • Check out the official Arches National Park Website to read important information regarding fees, hikes, maps, hours, and more.
  • Purchase a National Parks Annual Pass
  • Get to the park early! I cannot stress this one enough. Trails can get packed and parking can be difficult during the day.

Hikes in Arches National Park

Devilโ€™s Garden

Access this hike at Devilโ€™s Garden Trailhead and see the unique rock formations and stunning arches this park is known for. Devilโ€™s Garden offers a range of experiences, from easy walks to more challenging terrain, making it perfect for hikers of varying skill levels. If you make this hike shorter, you will still be able to see the iconic Landscape Arch for a total of 2 miles, with a few easy connections to Pine Tree Arch and Tunnel Arch. However, I highly recommend completing the entire 8-mile hike. You will come across the arches in the easier route above, as well as Partition Arch, Navajo Arch, Double O Arch, Private Arch, and Dark Angel, and walk along the Primitive Trail. It is a challenging hike because of its length as well as steep exposures, narrow walkways, and uneven surfaces. But, it is very worth it! Each arch is unique and mesmerizing!

Note: The Devil’s Garden Trailhead is one of the busiest areas in the park so make sure to get here extra early as the parking lot will fill up fast.

Delicate Arch

Starting at Wolfe Ranch, this 3-mile hike takes you to one of the most famous arches in the park. This โ€œInstagrammableโ€ spot is well worth it! You will climb up steep slick rock and walk along narrow ledges, before making it to see the famous Delicate Arch and a spectacular view behind it. Once you get to the arch, walk around or sit and take a break, enjoying the beauty.

Skyline Arch

Located at the Skyline Arch pull-off near the Devil’s Garden trailhead, there is a quick out-and-back 0.4-mile hike that leads to Skyline Arch. This Arch is carved out of a large rock wall.

Broken Arch

This is a 1.6-mile hike by Devilโ€™s Garden trailhead through a desert landscape where you will see Broken Arch and Tapestry Arch. The Broken Arch is slightly fractured in the middle but is still standing strong, while the Tapestry Arch is situated in a rock wall with alcoves beside it. You can also add 0.9 miles to this hike and see Sand Dune Arch.

Sand Dune Arch

This is a flat 0.4-mile hike, located just before the Devil’s Garden trailhead. This trail feels very secluded as you walk through deep sand with large rust-colored rock walls surrounding you, before seeing Sand Dune Arch. You can also combine this arch with continuing on to see Broken Arch and Tapestry Arch, for a total of 2.5 miles.

Balanced Rock

It is an easy walk to this rock formation. Part of the trail is paved and you will be able to see Balanced Rock from the drive through the park. Hop out and see this unique structure up close!

Double Arch

Drive to the Windows Trailhead for an easy 0.6-mile walk on a sandy path. The trail leads you to intertwined arches called Double Arch. Walk underneath and look up at this uniquely formed arch for a different perspective!

The Windows

This 1-mile hike will bring you to the North and South Windows as well as Turret Arch. This is a good place to see a lot of arches and formations, without a lot of hiking.

Arches National Park’s stunning natural, sandstone arches and rock formations are showcased in all of these hikes and I hope this guide inspires you to try them out! The park offers easy walks to challenging hikes that all feel rewarding with the incredible views. Get your hiking shoes on and explore with these best hikes in Arches National Park.

If you are eager for more, check out the ultimate hiking trip with this Utah National Parks Road Trip or the best hikes in Canyonlands National Park, the 5 best hikes in Zion National Park, and the best hikes in Bryce Canyon National Park.

Follow for more on social media and email me with any questions! If you check out any of these hikes in Arches National Park I would love to hear about your experience!