How I Developed My Passion For Travel

Travel opens our eyes to new cultures and creates lasting memories. For me, the spark of wanderlust was ignited early on, fueled by my father’s travels around the world for work and family vacations to a variety of destinations. I feel incredibly lucky my parents allowed me to step into the world of travel so early on, and I am forever grateful.

How I Developed My Passion For Travel

Childhood Wanderlust

Growing up, my father’s career took him to incredible places my childhood self could only dream of. His stories of diverse cultures sparked my imagination, and I awaited his return, eager to hear about his adventures. His thoughtful gestures of bringing back trinkets, candy, and other souvenirs from his travels made each trip feel like a magical journey. My favorite part was when he would give me his leftover currencies, which I started a collection that I still have today. The colorful bills and unique coins fascinated me, along with the intricacies of exchange rates (I am in a Finance Career now!).

Although I am older now and know his work travels were not always what I imagined them to be, stuck in hotels and meetings, hearing about these far-away places at such a young age truly sparked my passion for travel. 

Family Adventures

I was fortunate to grow up in a family where we took incredible family vacations. From skiing in the Rockies to lounging on beaches in Mexico, these trips continued my love for travel. It continued to ignite my desire to explore the world beyond my familiar horizon. Each year, we ventured to new destinations and different cultures together, allowing my love of travel, nature, and experiencing new cultures to grow deeper.


Immersing myself in the beauty of nature has been one of my favorite parts of traveling.  Whether hiking through towering forests, scuba diving in crystal-clear waters, or skiing majestic mountains, I always find myself in awe. The world is just so beautiful!

Cultural Immersion

In addition to my love for nature, I am endlessly fascinated by the diversity of cultures. From navigating bustling markets, trying exotic cuisines, learning about ancient traditions, and seeing how people live throughout the world, immersing myself in new cultures has been a highlight of my travels.

Study Abroad in Thailand

Although I already had a passion for travel at this point, the true turning point in my journey came when I decided to study abroad in Thailand during my Junior year of college. Immersed in the rich Thai culture, I found myself captivated by the vibrant street markets, ancient temples, stunning nature, and warm hospitality of the Thai people. Every moment was an adventure, from exploring bustling Bangkok to trekking through lush jungles and lounging on pristine beaches. My time in Thailand was nothing short of transformative, leaving an indelible mark on my soul and fueling my passion for travel.

Solo Travel

Following my study abroad experience, I could not get myself to leave the incredible experience just yet, so I embarked on a two-week solo travel adventure after my program ended. Solo travel challenged me to step out of my comfort zone, fostering independence, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for the world around me. Southeast Asia will always hold a special place in my heart.

Today, as I balance my passion for travel with a full-time career in corporate finance, I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me and the memories that continue to inspire me. From childhood dreams fueled by my father’s experiences to a transformative journey through Southeast Asia, travel has continued to be a passion of mine.

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